
Saturday Secrets

Saturday Secrets
27 maart 2020
georganiseerd door Site
schatting: deep house

Line-up Saturday Secrets

🇫🇷 🇦🇪 house


281Facebookbezoekers @ 27 maart 2020
420Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 27 maart 2020
703Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 18 mei 2020

Are you excited about our first Free Online Global Isolation Party tonight? There's more to come.. Tomorrow we'll take you on a special musical journey through our gardens into your living room with an amazing 8 hour live stream by our one and only Maga... A magical voyage created especially for the ones who can never get enough..

The Gardens of Babylon presents Saturday Secrets
When: Saturday, March 21
Time: 5pm CET onwards

Ever since we first met our good friend Maga we instantly loved him like family. His first set inside our gardens was beautifully diversified. Not many people knew about this artist and he took them all by surprise.. We will remember this set and the gratitude of the crowd for a very long time.

Wherever you are, whatever you do this Saturday... Join our live stream and invite our good friend Maga inside your living room to enjoy a STUNNING SET! It'll be one for the books.
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