
Mardi Gras

· Masquerade Party Facebook
Mardi Gras
12 februari 2020
georganiseerd door

Roxy Antwerp (binnen) op de kaart
Rijnkaai 1
schatting: house

Tickets & prijs Mardi Gras

Deurverkoop, tot 00:30:gratis
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Mardi Gras


41Facebookbezoekers @ 12 februari 2020
53Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 12 februari 2020
221Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 11 september 2020
Mardi Gras is one of the biggest Carnival events in the world. Let's celebrate Carnival together at Mardi.
FREE SHOTS for anyone who's in Carnival Costume!

Every Tuesday, you’re invited to Club Roxy from 11pm ‘till 4am for a crazy evening with the latest house and r&b hits carefully mixed by our residents: DJ Neon, Dj Makasi, Nick Dillinger & the hottest guest dj's.

18+ (ID required)
Guestlist till 00.30h
Membershipcard required.
Dresscode fancy chic

Fancy a VIP spot?
Whatsapp: 0032 485 980 983
Or contact your favo waiter/waitress.

Join us on Tuesday night with minimum 4 girls and get a free bottle of bubbles.
Celebrate your birthday at Mardi and get free entrance (excl. membershipcard) for you plus 4 friends and a free bottle of bubbles.
Reservation required.

Mardi, celebrate you’ve somehow survived Monday.
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