
Open Talent Night

Open Talent Night
12 februari 2020
georganiseerd door

Dynamo (binnen)
op de kaart Site
Catharinaplein 21

Tickets Open Talent Night

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Line-up Open Talent Night

Line-up is niet compleet.


21Facebookbezoekers @ 6 maart 2020
48Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 6 maart 2020
70Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 6 juni 2020
On the 12th of March we will return with our concept of the Talent Nights. This time it will be no ordinary night but open for everyone!

So bring your USB-Sticks filled with music (of any EDM-style) and come play at our basement, and for your friends of course! The only thing you'll need to do is send us an email at, with your DJ name, contact info and maybe some promomix.We will contact you short after

So don't be shy because you won't be alone, our friends of 3L Patrons will join us on stage for a special talent set!! We will try and give everybody some stage time.
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