
Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder
14 november 2017

W Amsterdam (binnen) op de kaart Site
Spuistraat 175
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Line-up Tropic Thunder

🇩🇪 🇳🇱 house, disco
🇵🇹 🇳🇱
Tropic Thunder’s name speaks for itself. Like a mid-summers rush of warm winds and exotic scents, this full-on cocoa-flavored evening is fully dominated by restless yet joyous sounds highly influenced by our globe's southern hemisphere. Thursdays will be our funk & boogie evenings by definition.

You will no doubt have spotted Marcel Vogel's handiwork. The Dutch artist is turning to his own name to get some fine records laid down outside the realms of pure edit territory. It's a powerful step on for Vogel, touching on a grounded variation on neo-soul with a house kick in the rhythm department.
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