
All Gold by Goldsmith Agency

All Gold by Goldsmith Agency
30 augustus 2017
georganiseerd door

Chicago Social Club (binnen) op de kaart Site
Leidseplein 12
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Line-up All Gold by Goldsmith Agency

1Area 1
🇳🇱 house, r&b, hip hop
downtempo, house, r&b
house, r&b, hip hop
🇺🇸 🇳🇱 house, r&b, afro
2Area 2
🇩🇯 🇳🇱
Another one! ALL GOLD by Goldsmith Agency.

ALL GOLD is Goldsmith's quarterly agency night. Functioning as a booking agency for filmmakers, dj/producers, graphic designers and photographers, the agency brings together all its creative disciplines in one night on the 2nd of September. Join us for a night that celebrates creativity, music and culture.
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