
Beautiful Swimmers & President Bongo

Beautiful Swimmers & President Bongo
8 februari 2016

BAR (binnen) op de kaart
Schiekade 201
schatting: disco, techno, house

Tickets & prijs Beautiful Swimmers & President Bongo

Deurverkoop:€ 7,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Beautiful Swimmers & President Bongo

🇺🇸 house, techno, disco
Superduo Beautiful Swimmers from the States and the man who makes love and music all the same; President Bongo!

As if that isn't enough, BARPLUS will officially open its doors for the first time and welcome you to their universe.

BARPLUS is BAR's platform for art & culture which uses the club venue as a performance and art space. You will be introduced to a range of artists, art works and art forms which challenge or blend in with night culture.

Get ready for a night full of amazing music & art!

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