
White Light Black Static

White Light Black Static
25 februari 2015
georganiseerd door Site

Warehouse Elementenstraat (binnen) op de kaart Site
Elementenstraat 25

Tickets & prijs White Light Black Static

Voorverkoop:€ 12,50
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Maximaal 100.

Line-up White Light Black Static

🇨🇦 🇳🇱
On March 26th, 4DSOUND presents a one-off performance of the immersive audiovisual work ‘White Light Black Static’ by Marcel Wierckx.

Ten years after his audiovisual composition Black Noise White Silence impacted itself on the retinas of countless fans of electronic music, Wierckx has reworked the algorithms from that piece to create a new, live audiovisual performance: White Light Black Static. Integrating his code with 4DSOUND, this new work explores a next level of immersive audiovisual music by combining multiscreen projection, spatialization, and intense synchronicity into a live performance.
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