
Lunga Fest

Lunga Fest
6 mei 2014

Buurtboerderij (binnen, buiten) op de kaart Site
Spaarndammerdijk 319

Tickets Lunga Fest

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Line-up Lunga Fest

Bring your Kids, Bring your Grannies,
Bring your Brothers and yo Sistas,
Bring your Ponies and your Bikes to

The Lunga Festival!

Be ready to float around this garden of green,
between a chapati and a chocolate dream,
there sound strings of song
Who's playing that tune?
What's this whiff of drum?
Pretty sweet scene!

Swinging hullahoops, Mind that ice cream
Where are the kids?
Mounting some sheep
Would do the same, but I'm shopping some work
Learning how to sing, dance, repair, grow, prepare
Getting a massage
Breathing the air of a story-teller's tale
Inhale, llisten, think, exhale

How sweet the smell of grass and the twirls of smoke
Thoughts, ideas are crawling under our toes
A giveaway dress steals a silly wink
A firelight blinks as the night sets in
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