
Urban Decay and Rebirth

Urban Decay and Rebirth
17 juni 2013
Urban Decay and Rebirth
17 juni 2013

Vondelbunker (binnen) op de kaart Site
Vondelpark 8a

Tickets Urban Decay and Rebirth

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Maximaal 500.

Line-up Urban Decay and Rebirth

disco, house
🇦🇺 hip hop


geenstemresultaat (2 stemmen)
A musical, visual and artistic journey through the life, death and resurgence of some of the world’s greatest modern cities – Detroit and Berlin.

Interesting talks start at 20:00 music at 21:00!

And all this in a nuclear shelter in the Vondelpark!

This will be a night dedicated to the life, death and resurgence of some of the world’s greatest modern cities – Detroit and Berlin. These two urban centers have served as the birthplace and formative environment for much of the house, techno and beyond that we enjoy today.

And of course, these countercultural movements are underpinned by massive social changes: the rise and fall of the auto and music industry in Detroit – with the subsequent social effects that followed - and the recent comeback of the artistic and wider community; and similarly in Berlin, by the fall of the wall, reunification and redefinition of identity, which has unarguably helped to lead to one of the world’s most vibrant artistic scenes.
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