
3 Years Acid Call

3 Years Acid Call
28 mei 2013
3 Years Acid Call
17 december 2013

Fort 3 (buiten) op de kaart
Zoomweg 14
acid × 5
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Line-up 3 Years Acid Call

1Area 1
· live 🇳🇱 techno, dubstep
drum & bass
· live 🇳🇱 drum & bass, hardcore, techno
🇳🇱 🇧🇪 techno
2Area 2
Our 3th aniversary and the Xth edition of ACID CALL will take place at a new acidproof location.
In the Acid Warehouse we'll defibrillate your heartbeat with strong Acid Shocks. At the Outdoor Acid Stage we'll relieve your vains by nursing you with smooth electronic Acid Aftercare.

The AcidWarehouse line-up
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1 opmerking

The Acid Warehouse:
22u00 - 24u00: Gonzo
24u00 - 01u30: Arkanoid
01u30 - 03u00: Spacid
03u00 - 04u00: T-9 Live
04u00 - 05u00: Frixion Fanatic Live
05u00 - 06u00: StefanZMK Live
06u00 – 07u00: Solith

The Outdoor Acid Stage:
22u00 - 24u00: Slario
24u00 - 01u30: Hantrax
01u30 - 03u00: Jan Techniks
03u00 - 04u30: Redray
04u30 - 06u00: Stroheim
06u00 - 07u00: Slario