
End of the world party

End of the world party
14 november 2012
georganiseerd door

Corso (binnen) op de kaart
Kruiskade 22

Tickets & prijs End of the world party

Voorverkoop, tot 23:00:€ 12,50
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!
Maximaal 1200.
Er zijn kluisjes aanwezig.

Line-up End of the world party

🇦🇼 house, latin
house, urban, hip hop, latin
· MC house, r&b, hip hop
· MC urban, r&b, hip hop


The End of the world is near, So lets go out with a bang, the world as we know it will come to an end on the 21st of December 2012.

What can we do? What will you do? In times of insecurity the people need leaders, so we have decided for you to… PARTY like it’s the last time ever. Forget about project X, forget about everything, we will give you a party that will be talked about for centuries. The End of the World party is the official party to end 2012 with and maybe the world with.

The location where we will celebrate our end is Rotterdam and to be even more specific; Corso off course.

The Mayans wrote that on this mythical date their will be 7 humans that are the chosen ones and will built a new world. These are the new world leaders, these are the people that will take you to new planet Party rock! I present you
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