

· New York Edition Facebook
26 mei 2012
georganiseerd door Site

The Trash Bar (binnen) op de kaart
256 Grand Street
New York
Verenigde Staten🇺🇸
chiptune × 5, breakcore × 1

Tickets & prijs Eindbaas

Deurverkoop:$ 7,-
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Line-up Eindbaas

di 20:00 - 20:30:  🇳🇱
di 20:30 - 21:30:  · live 🇳🇱 hardcore
di 21:30 - 22:30:  · live 🇳🇱 hardcore
di 22:30 - 23:30:  🇨🇦 hardcore, drum & bass
di 23:30 - 00:30:  🇳🇱
EINDBAAS organises club edition in Brookyn, New York.
Dutch chiptune party crosses the Atlantic

In May 2012, EINDBAAS will host a complete EINDBAAS edition in Brooklyn New York. The succesful 8-bit party from Utrecht, the Netherlands will introduce three talented live acts from Holland in the Empire State as well as several acts from both Canada and the USA. Where it is common for artists to tour around the world, it is rather rare that a whole club concept including a group of artists manifests itself overseas.

Established in 2009, EINDBAAS organises 8-bit parties in Utrecht with international line-ups, where artists use vintage gameconsoles on stage to make music, such as the Nintendo Gameboy. The result: highly danceable music completely defined by unique lo-fi sounds heard nowhere else in the Dutch clubcircuit. Until now, all nine editions of EINDBAAS were sold out.
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