
Luminosity invites Pure Trance

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'Pure Trance is a feeling, a passion which exists outside of contemporary musical fads and fashions. It is the bringing together of millions of fans for whom this music is a way of life Whether you've been into trance for 12 months or 20 years. When you hear Pure Trance, you'll know it...and you'll feel it!' Solarstone.

Sinds de lancering vorig jaar tijdens de Amsterdam Dance Event, kwam alles voor Solarstone en zijn wereldwijde Pure Trance beweging in een stroomversnelling terecht. In slechts acht maanden tijd ontstond een fanbase van tienduizenden trancefanaten. Nadat hij eerder dit jaar toerde door Los Angeles, San Francisco en Seattle en een uitverkochte editie had tijdens de Winter Music Conference in Miami, keert Solarstone's Pure Trance tour nu voor het eerst sinds de lancering terug naar Nederland.

Op zaterdag 15 juni nodigt Luminosity Events de Pure Trance beweging uit en zal Beachclub Fuel in Bloemendaal aan Zee de place to be zijn voor liefhebbers van trancemuziek. Het is een welkome terugkeer voor Solarstone, de man achter deze wereldwijde beweging. Bijgestaan door de Duitse trance zwaargewicht Alex M.O.R.P.H., Italiaans levende virtuoos Giuseppe Ottaviani, de legendarische M.I.K.E. Push en het Finse progressive talent Michael Cassette zal het publiek vanaf 14:00 tot 23:00 meegenomen worden op een negen uur lange reis van trance in zijn puurste vorm.

Alex M.O.R.P.H.
Giuseppe Ottaviani(Live)
M.I.K.E. Push
Michael Cassette

14 opmerkingen

Helaas is deze datum rot voor mij.. Anders had ik hier echt heengewild :(
Ben erg benieuwd! Een echt trancefeestje is weer veel te lang geleden voor mij. Maar als voorproefje voor mijn verjaardag is dit een uitstekende kans!
Lekker feestje hoor.
Is dit Pure Trance of is het ook gemixst Trance/hardtrance als ik kijk naar de Italiaanse en duitse invloeden???
Uitspraak van Daniël en Linda op zondag 9 juni 2013 om 16:46:
Is dit Pure Trance of is het ook gemixst Trance/hardtrance als ik kijk naar de Italiaanse en duitse invloeden???

Pure trance, waarbij het wel opbouwend is van softere naar hardere sounds, maar de melodie en emotie belangrijk blijft en er bijvoorbeeld geen grote house of techno invloeden zijn, zoals je dat tegenwoordig steeds meer ziet.
De artiesten zijn samen met Solarstone uitgekozen en passen dus allemaal bij het "Pure trance" concept. Check eventueel ook hun website voor meer info over het concept :)
Dus als ik het goed begrijp! Echte Trance en Echte Hardtrance.
Voor de liefhebbers hier de eerste van 5 korte interviews met alle Pure Trance artiesten van dit weekend

5 minutes with Giuseppe Ottaviani
Leading up to our next event, Luminosity Invites: Solarstone pres. Pure Trance @ Beachclub Fuel on Saturday June 15th, we sat down with all artists for a quick interview.

Here’s the first one – with Italian Pure Trance Maestro, Giuseppe Ottaviani.

01. Pure Trance stands for the return to the essence of trance music, away from the over-commercialized sounds of today. To what extent can you relate to this concept in your own DJ / live sets?

GO: Despite the fact that my sound isn’t totally “pure” these days my whole project focus on the beauty of melodies and Trance remains the best option for me to match my musical taste. I’m obviously influenced from the new sounds as well but I really care of taking only those elements that attract my attention and bring them into my sound delivering something really fresh but that remains true to my trance roots and keeps my identity intact.

02. When you produce new music, how would you say you work in terms of the purity of the sound compared to modern day trends in producing?

GO: Well I guess the main difference is that I’m an hardware based producer and I still have all my classic sounds stored into my keyboards. Apparently all the new sounds come from software synths with their typical “digital sound” recognizable in almost every record today. As I said before there are a lot of things that I like from the new sounds and I try to make them as part of my own sound. But more than just grabbing a sound from those very famous soft-synths I very much prefer to jump on my keyboards and try to reconstruct that kind of sound. The good thing is that it will never sound the same but it will turn into something more unique and this will enhance even more my production. Delivering fresh music without loosing my identity is my goal.

03. How do you feel about being part of the line up of Luminosity invites: Solarstone pres. Pure Trance @ Beachclub Fuel?

GO: It’s a big honor for me of course and I’ve been a huge fan of this project since the beginning and I’m really happy to see that is working incredibly well. It’s great to see that people love to listen something different from the more generic sound of these days.

04. Previous Solarstone pres. Pure Trance nights have all proven to be highly successful. What memorable performance of yourself at what event would you like to share with us?

GO: The club show I have done together with Solarstone in Buenos Aires in November last year was one of my highlights of 2012. Incredibly packed club till 7am, no body left before the music went off. That was just amazing. Another great one were the Pure Trance events at Exchange in LA and in Miami earlier this year.

05. To the people who are coming to the Luminosity invites Solarstone pres. Pure Trance on June 15th: any nice words?

GO: No words, just good music
En nummer 2 :D

Five minutes with M.I.K.E.
Up next in our interview series is the man behind the earlier this year released album ‘ World Citizen‘ featuring the succesfull singles ‘Elements of Nature‘, ‘Canvas‘ and ‘Natural Source‘ . We are proud to welcome Mike Dierckx, aka M.I.K.E, to our line up for this Saturday’s Luminosity Invites: Solarstone pres. Pure Trance @ Beachclub Fuel in Bloemendaal, The Netherlands.

01. Pure Trance stands for the return to the essence of trance music, away from the over-commercialized sounds of today. To what extent can you relate to this concept in your own DJ / live sets?

M: When I’m up on stage, I try and create that same feel that was felt when Trance was first arose. Being that I was a big part of that era is a huge privilege and I carry that till this day forward. Anyone who knows the Trance scene can relate to this and my music. I have an appreciation for Pure Trance. It’s events like these that keep real Trance alive!

02. When you produce new music, how would you say you work in terms of the purity of the sound compared to modern day trends in producing?

M: When it comes to producing, I have my own stamp on the music that comes out of my studio. Surely times have changed and technology has even changed the way producing enfolds, but my signature sound is unmistakable no matter what and I make sure of that. I do however miss my analog gear. Nothing like it. That’s pure nostalgia feel.

03. How do you feel about being part of the line up of Pure Trance?

M: I feel really connected. It will feel good and that will transpire over to the people on the dancefloor. Looking very forward to it. J

04. Previous ‘Solarstone pres. Pure Trance’ nights have all proven to be highly successful. What memorable performance of yourself at what event would you like to share with us?

M: Luminosity has always been a memorable experience. The intimacy of these kind of events is what I like most. The people know exactly what they are there for.

05. To the people who are coming to the Luminosity invites Solarstone pres. Pure Trance on June 15th: any nice words?

M: You want Trance? M.I.K.E. stands for one thing — Trance. And behind that is a whole history of it. Join me so that I can show you. See you there! J
laatste aanpassing
Interview nummer 3 :)

Five minutes with Alex M.O.R.P.H.

01. Pure Trance stands for the return to the essence of trance music, away from the over-commercialized sounds of today. To what extent can you relate to this concept in your own DJ / live sets?
A: I can relate to that very much. The word “commercial” though is not bad by definition to be honest. Electronic music can be deep and clubby but still work in the commercial market. But yes, if it drifts in a way that’s just too cheesy and too over-commercial sounding, it always gets some weird taste. In my sets and productions I always try to not cross that line as well.

02. When you produce new music, how would you say you work in terms of the purity of the sound compared to modern day trends in producing?
A: Of course I always try to keep up those signature M.O.R.P.H. sound in general, which is a bit more driving, clubby and not too much “over the top” like some of today’s bigroom trance anthems. For me it’s more important that it all fits together very well and that all elements weigh in balance. That’s how you keep the atmosphere instead of just adding some big and loud synths in the break that rips the audience in two halfs, you know? Haha! I mean…that works fine on the dancefloor, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t do it like that. That’s what differs my music from those modern trends in producing.

03. How do you feel about being part of the line up of Pure Trance?
A: It’s great! It’s always nice to be part of such a party in a nice location. I know Solarstone and the others for years, and Rich has started a nice series with his Pure Trance concept, also production-wise he has proven himself as a great artist in Trance once again. Being asked to be a part of it: always a good feeling.

04. Previous Pure Trance nights have all proven to be highly successful. What memorable performance of yourself at what event would you like to share with us?
A: Phew, of course there are lots of memorible moments and it’s always hard to pick up one in particular. Let’s take ASOT600 at Madison Square Garden NYC earlier this year. That was just mindblowing to play in such a legendary venue. Will never forget that.

05. To the people who are coming to the Luminosity invites Solarstone pres. Pure Trance on June 15th: any nice words?
A: Haha, never easy to find the right words on those. I can only say thanks for the support I get from that scene, and I’m really looking forward to the party
Interview nummer 4 :)

Five minutes with Michael Cassette

01. Pure Trance stands for the return to the essence of trance music, away from the overcommercialized sounds of today. To what extent can you relate to this concept in your own DJ / live sets?
MC: Well, to me its all about the feeling. I don’t really care if it’s commercial or not, or what the genre is, if the feeling is right. But often more commerciality means less time to develop the atmosphere. In my sets I try to take the time that is needed to build the emotion.

02. When you produce new music, how would you say you work in terms of the purity of the sound compared to modern day trends in producing?
MC: For me making a good track is not a question of purity. Usually its more interesting when you create something that doesn’t purely resemble any existing genre.

03. How do you feel about being part of the line up of Solarstone pres. Pure Trance?
MC: It’s really an honor to be invited in this fantastic line up.

04. Previous Pure Trance nights have all proven to be highly successful. What memorable performance of yourself at what event would you like to share with us?
MC: WinterFresh festival in Los Angeles 2011 was a memorial event. Amazing warm welcome from my fans for my debute in US.

05. To the people who are coming to the Luminosity invites Solarstone pres. Pure Trance on June 15th: any nice words?
Let’s make it a really positive and open minded place together!