
The Divine Voice of Sylvia Tosun

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The Divine Voice of Sylvia Tosun
6 april 2014
Op het Amsterdam Dance Event 2013 had ik het genoegen om getuige te zijn van de release van haar nieuwe project samen met David Vendetta. Echter een ruim een half jaar later kreeg ik wederom het genoegen om te spreken met deze uitzonderlijke vocalist. Sylvia Tosun is geen gewone zangeres, iemand met een ruime historie in zowel de dance wereld als daarbuiten. Net voor de Miami Winter Music Conference heb ik nog kort met haar gesproken. Alles over haar plannen in 2014, lees je hieronder.

Hey Sylvia, It has been a long time since the Amsterdam Dance Event, how are you doing?
Hi! I am looking forward to the next ADE! It is my favourite music event every year!

How did your career start as a professional vocalist? You went to Juilliard right?
Yes. I studied opera, sang in cabaret shows, had a world-pop-rock band, did 'work for hire' studio sessions, and recorded vocals for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. By the mid-2000s I gravitated more and more towards dance music and began remixing some of my songs into the format. I think my breakthrough single for EDM was in 2008 with the song Underlying Feeling.

I also found out that you are fluent in like fifty languages. How is that possible? (I already have trouble with four)
LOL, no I am not a polyglot however, I love language; I do sing in 12 languages and have a working knowledge of a few. However, I feel if someone is musically inclined, they will have a general sense of language in that the pronunciations are similar to musical patterns.

In the past you have had quite some success. One among them is the smash hit together with the German trance giant Alex M.O.R.P.H. How did the two of you meet and ended up with such a stunning single?
I met Alex through Markloverush. Alex remixed my track, "Above All" then we decided to collaborate on an original together. He sent me a recording of a gorgeous string progression that reminded me of a Puccini Aria, so I wrote "An Angel's Love" in that same fashion

I already mentioned the ADE of last year, were you have presented your new project with David Vendetta, called ' Vensun'. How did you guys meet?
David Vendetta is an incredible musician, producer and DJ who remixed my song "World Keeps Turning" (which is still one of my favourite remixes) and we decided to work together. He invited me to write and record an album project with him and I was thrilled to spend time at his home in Nice, France where we composed about 14 tracks. Our mutual friend and fellow musician, Micah Sherman, was joking around with the name Vensun - combining both of our surnames - and it just stuck!

How are the reactions so far?
The reactions have been really great! We are delighted to be included with our song "The Dragon Flies" on both the Billboard and Music Week Charts and we are looking forward to releasing the video next month!

Any plans for new track under the Vensun monniker? Maybe an album?
Yes, in fact, we are going to release our Vensun Project in the form of several EP's. EP used to stand for "extended play" however, David and I have re-imagined an EP as an "epithet", comprised of 3 songs that express a specific feeling, vibration or undertone that speaks to one thought of creativity and music...stay tuned!

As such an outstanding vocalist, how do you stay on top of your game?
Well, thank you for that! However, I must admit, I am not sure if I have ever been on top of my game. I don't think about it very much. I just sing… singing is a feeling.

How do you support new talent?
I love to experience new talent, see shows, listen to recordings, buy singles/albums. Also, I have my own record label, 'Sea to Sun', which is run by Anton Bass and our amazing team. It has provided a wonderful platform to help expose music and talented artists that we really like. We view our staff together with our Artist roster as a family.

You are an inspiration for a lot of people (including myself), but how do you get inspired? Which musicians/dj's/vocalists inspire you?
Life is the predominant inspiration, don't you think? Anywhere between beauty and tragedy, there is always art. There are so many amazing musical influences that inspire me on a daily basis. I would have to say I have always loved Peter Gabriel, Annie Lennox, Kate Bush and lately newfound talents such as Ellie Goulding, Zedd and Andrew Rayel certainly get my musical blood rushing.

As you might know, our Dutch culture has a lot of high ranked dj's and producers? Any among them who you would like to work with in the future?
Absolutely! Should we just name them all? LOL let's see: Armin van Buuren, Fedde le Grand, Tiësto, Nicky Romero… Actually, when I am sent a track by someone I have never heard of and it absolutely thrills me, it's a treat! Otherwise, let's definitely go Dutch! (insert American humor)

It is almost time for Miami Winter Music Conference. Are you going to Miami this year? Any exciting plans you would like to share with us.
Yes, I have a couple of performances and I'm also looking forward to catching some great DJ sets. One that I am looking forward to in particular is Andrew Rayel's set at UMF. Andrew's mix of 'An Angel's Love' is magnificent! I am deeply honored that he has recently asked me to record some vocals for him including the intro vocal for his ASOT 650 in Holland. I watched the live stream and the energy there was incredible. One of these days I would love to experience it in person. (See opening track here for Sylvia's vocals

Sylvia, it was a pleasure talking to you. Any last words for the Partyflock community?
Thank you for listening, dancing, and flocking to the party! Much more to come including some very special collaborations! Stay tuned!

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Een goede zangstem kan een nummer maken of breken. Wat dat betreft leuk eens een niet-dj te lezen!