
Andy Moor: 'Zero Point One'

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Andy Moor: 'Zero Point One'
28 december 2012
ArtiestAndy Moor Site
LabelArmada Music
RecensieAndy Moor – Zero Point One
Het duurde even voordat Andy Moor even tijd had voor ons. Immers hij en vele andere collega dj's hebben een moordend schema. We zijn vooral benieuwd naar het verhaal achter het debuutalbum van Andy, genaamd 'Zero Point One'. Dat zul je denken een debuutalbum van iemand die al ruim 10 jaar in de scene zit? Dat vonden wij ook…

Hey Andy, A while ago you've did the thing the whole world was waiting for, you released your debut artistalbum. How are you feeling?
I'm feeling great thank you! It's nice to have the album finally out and I'm now fresh to work on new material.

Could you please explain what Zero 'Point One' means to you? What is the philosophy behind the title?
It is my first album, and just a play on all the updates that everything need these days. Zero Point One is the first, and really I don't want this to need an update for a long time. Music is very disposable these days, but I don't feel that good music should be so disposable. Also digital music these days is basically binary code, made from One's and Zero's, so I just thought it a fitting title.

The album features a mix of more lounge/ambient music and the more progressive/trance music. Why did you choose for such a mixture of styles?
I don't want to listen to an album that is full of the same style. Therefore, I don't want to make an album like this. I am known for my dance music but I love producing all sorts, and an album is a perfect platform to do this whilst keeping the tracks coherent.

An interesting track is 'Elysian Fields' which is an absolute stunning production. It could fit in the repertoire of the musician Hans Zimmer. Were you inspired by such filmic and atmospheric sounds of the music of Hans Zimmer?
I have always been inspired by film scores therefore I am sure I have been influenced over the years by such music. I have always wondered how music can affect the emotions, and I try to incorporate this in my own music.

Any plans for the future to produce music for movie?
Not at the moment, it is a market quite saturated, but I would never say No as it is a style of music that I love, especially the audio / visual / emotional link.

Your album features a lot of vocalists. Why so many?
I wanted to use a lot of vocalists as a challenge. Using a variety of vocalists and still keeping cohesion and flow is something that I set out to do from the start.

The track ' Please Forgive me' features the lovely voice of Nicole McKenna. But there is a rather strange kind of house beat/zooming effect in the middle of the track. Why did you choose to add such an effect?
I can't remember now, but it would probably have been to create contrast between the verse and the chorus. I often add something that is repetative in the verse of a track, so that when the release of the chorus happens it creates an extra sense of euphoria. Some elements of a track are there to make other sections sound better, it's not always about "now".

An interesting quote is the following: 'I had been writing the album for many years, but as I was nearing the end, I decided to scrap the old tracks and start over with new ones.' Is there more to come in 2012? Please tell us….
One day I might go back and update some of the other tracks, but at the moment I am concentrating on new material.

Which new talent should we keep an eye on?
There are so many at the moment that it would be difficult to choose one.

Which five tracks are your favourites of the moment?

Ali Wilson – Nynx
RAM – Smash & Crash
Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge – DUI
Ben Nicky & The Madison – ID
Yuri Kane – Fall in Love

What will the next few months look like if we look at the gigs that are coming?
I'm in India, Hong Kong, Dubai, Glasgow and San Francisco in December then I'm taking the majority of January off to work in the studio without any distractions. I have come to realise that this is very important for me, every year at least to have a solid amount of time to focus on one specific task. After that there is Poland, Ukraine, USA, Guatemala, UK, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia until the Winter Music Conference.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever experienced?
Being abducted by Aliens! That was weird…. No, really the weirdest thing is actually having a normal life at home then having to adapt every week to being on stage with thousands of people looking at you. I'll never get used to that.

What's your favourite place to play on this planet?
On land. The sea is too wet.

What do you do between gigs?
I work in the studio mostly, but also have a lot of hobbies that I try to find time for, football, golf, other sports, and I have other business that I like to get involved in no wand then.

What's your favourite food?
I'm a proper foodie and love all food. If I had to choose, it would be South East Asian food.

Any last words for all your fans around the globe?
I'd like to thank you all for the support over all the years. Keep enjoying the music and I hope to see some of you soon!

1 opmerking

Andy blijft het na al die jaren nog steeds geweldig doen. Respect!