Flockonderwerp · 37510
have you left a party with a great memory ?
or a bad memory ? post it here

party : houseqlassics
memory : fucking wasted top-less girls
beer and core aaaaa

party : i love jump
memory : so much fags and alot of argue's o:) i didn't do anything o:) i was really stupid to go there anyway :lol: but for a fight im in ( i din't make the fight started :) )
laatste aanpassing
noisekicks verouderingsproces
2500 people going fuckin insane before youre eyes
ah and a bad memory:
the first temple of terror party in drachten.
because waaaaaay too much speed and beer, couldn't walk proper anymore and lost my bicycle keys, jacket, sweater etc..
oew thats really fucked mate
stay of the drugs :flower: ;) gheghe

Uitspraak van UNTITLED. op donderdag 15 februari 2007 om 19:24:
noisekicks verouderingsproces
2500 people going fuckin insane before youre eyes

thats really awsome yeah :jaja:
Werkzaam bij Hardblast Events
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 36773, 60431, 33916}
a great memory was Playing the guitar @ Schijt aan Terror!
That was nice :yes:

bad merory @ a party,,

still thinking hea ;) haha

euuh another bad memory from a partie i went to is
from angerfist damn he spinned so fucked ...
yes that angerfst some great songs but spins like a bitch

euuh nice memory

party : project domination i was really dimm from the speed back then and ybrid stormtrooper and manu le malin spinneed reaaaaaaly good then :jaja: and alot of nice ladies

bad memory

te party stopped 2 hours earlier because at the end we were like 20 people :/ a well i had a great time :9
bad memory: Dr. Z-Vago's Birthday Party 2006

it was a very nice party,
but my best mate used some xtc and then started drinking Goldstrike, I told him not to do it, but he just did it..
then on a certain moment he blacked out and fell to the ground, the security brought him to the entrance and they wanted to call an ambulance, but I didn't want that, cause if he went to the hospital his parents would find out, so i just 'kidnapped' him to the busstation and took the bus home.. then i brought him to his house and after that i went to bed, when i woke up he called me on my phone and said 'Rick!! I don't remember anything from yesterday! first i am at the party and then i wake up, without knowing what happened! come to my place now and tell me everything'
So i did and he was like: WOW SERIOUS..? on everything i told him.

Well that's my bad memory
laatste aanpassing
oef damn ,,, with carnaval 2 maties were take away by an ambulance because of horse concemisers fuck drugs :/
Uitspraak van Dr. Eppo op donderdag 1 maart 2007 om 00:14:
it was a very nice party,
but my best mate used some xtc and then started drinking Goldstrike, I told him not to do it, but he just did it..
then on a certain moment he blacked out and fell to the ground, the security brought him to the entrance and they wanted to call an ambulance, but I didn't want that, cause if he went to the hospital his parents would find out, so i just 'kidnapped' him to the busstation and took the bus home.. then i brought him to his house and after that i went to bed, when i woke up he called me on my phone and said 'Rick!! I don't remember anything from yesterday! first i am at the party and then i wake up, without knowing what happened! come to my place now and tell me everything'
So i did and he was like: WOW SERIOUS..? on everything i told him.

Well that's my bad memory

ooow :-O what a bad situation
Uitspraak van UNTITLED. op donderdag 15 februari 2007 om 19:26:
ah and a bad memory:
the first temple of terror party in drachten.
because waaaaaay too much beer

wasn't that the last TOT party there ;)

my best memory: in the streets of berlin at fuckparade that everyone was in a party spirit :d and also my preformance in baracke last NYE :D

worst memory: i don't know it exactly, but i can remember the raving nightmare party in arnhem.. really to much fights there:S
Uitspraak van Screamcore op donderdag 1 maart 2007 om 18:54:
wasn't that the last TOT party there ;)

nee het heeft nog erger geweest (y)
Best memory: Distorted views in HD culemborg because it was my first party.

other good memory Ben je bitch niet goes xxxl it was one of the best parties i've been so far.

worst memory: just a party in the tow next to my hometown but there were some fights and about 10 fucking police cars with dogs.
Uitspraak van UNTITLED. op donderdag 1 maart 2007 om 23:45:
Distorted views

i played there

I know and u played pretty good ;)
i liked the set on noisekicks verouderingsprocess

nice one - realy good dj's with great performance ! it was really good ! i was stamping and breaking all night long :bounce:

a bad one - dissing dj's and shit even one of them kicked out perfettic :S too sad to much wazi figures :)

but it was a good party (Y)
Uitspraak van Wils op donderdag 15 februari 2007 om 17:15:
party : i love jump
memory : so much fags and alot of argue's i didn't do anything i was really stupid to go there anyway but for a fight im in ( i din't make the fight started )

Try to respect other people with a different kind of interest.

How do they think about about you? Maybe like a brainless wazi who likes to fight ;)

I liked the last club r_AW, great people and very good music
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 29 maart 2007 om 12:05:
Maybe like a brainless wazi

i studie metal industrie and i have respect for all kinds of music and style but when i give respect i want it back too! and they didn't gave

Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 29 maart 2007 om 12:05:
( i din't make the fight started )
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van Wils op donderdag 29 maart 2007 om 12:17:
i studie metal industrie and i have respect for all kinds of music and style but when i give respect i want it back too! and they didn't gave

I wasn't insulting you are a wazi :p just made an example ;)

But if they we're acting offensive you have to bite back sometimes, thats true
Uitspraak van Wils op vrijdag 23 maart 2007 om 18:15:

nice one - realy good dj's with great performance ! it was really good ! i was stamping and breaking all night long

a bad one - dissing dj's and shit even one of them kicked out perfettic

You really thought the dj's performed well at that party? :S Some dj's where too drunk to play.. and about angernoizer, i thought he fought there and that was the reason he was kicked out.
Uitspraak van [023] PimRitsel op donderdag 29 maart 2007 om 17:08:
Some dj's where too drunk to play..

hahaha indeed :P

that's what you get when knuckles came with a record bag full of bacardi :9 haha
Uitspraak van [023] PimRitsel op donderdag 29 maart 2007 om 17:08:
You really thought the dj's performed well at that party? Some dj's where too drunk to play.. and about angernoizer, i thought he fought there and that was the reason he was kicked out.

he was getting a head but from someone and he kicked his ass
Uitspraak van [023] PimRitsel op donderdag 29 maart 2007 om 17:08:
You really thought the dj's performed well at that party?

yes :jaja: the vizitor was fucking great