Aaron Johnson
27 november 2013
Functie2 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdirty house, house
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After Aaron Jansen first organized events for some years, it was about time that he started to translate his passion for music into a musical journey to create a sound which would characterize as an uplifting and energetic "Dirty Johson House"

This tuneful adventure began right at the end of 2011. In no time, he stood there as warm-up DJ for Brasco – Shermanology – Quintino and Bassjackers. Shortly after, an opportunity arosed to do a booking during the F1 races situated at Monaco.

Aaron soon further realized that producing music nowadays is inherent to the DJ profession and wanted to be educated about producing as quickly as possible, which resulted in a full-fledged DJ/Producer training that has successful been completed in the meantime.

The musical adventure is currently up and running!
Creating this typical powerful "Johnson" sound becomes better in shape each and every day, therefore it is a matter of time until next relevant steps are going to be realized.

Uitgaansagenda Aaron Johnson

Laatste optreden was op maandag 21 juli 2014: Break the House Down, De Heuvel Gallery, Tilburg


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