AnGy KoRe
1 juli 2013
NaamAngelo Del Core
Functie45 × DJ
HerkomstBulgarije 🇧🇬
Genresminimal, tech house, techno


Angelo del Core, led by a strong passion for techno music, approaches the world of djing and music production at the tender age of 14 years, beginning in several clubs around his province and creating "hardstyle" tracks.
From there a series of events will see Angelo (time not yet AnGy KoRe), the protagonist of a lot of club's consolles in Italy!
That until the age of 19 years, when his strong desire to try new experiences, led him to embark on the most prestigious cruise ships with a role of dj. 3 years around the all world give him the way to discover different cultures of worldwide nightlife, musical tastes, new sounds. Everything leads him to an artistic rebirth, a renewal that by way of his eclectic style, that draws an infusion of diverse hard techno, and dark minimal sound. Once back on dry land, Angelo immediately transforms his ideas into music, baptized himself with the name of AnGy KoRe...

Uitgaansagenda AnGy KoRe

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 9 september 2023: UNWIND, DS party- en eventcenter, Culemborg


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Kom alsjeblieft vaker naar nederland!!!