14 mei 2020
NaamGeoff Reich
Functie2 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸
WoonachtigCanada 🇨🇦
Genresdubstep, electro, hip hop, trap


Known for his sleeveless, whimsical synergy with his fans, Geoff "Stylust" Reich has been creating his own counterculture since he was a teenager. A skateboarder and hip hop devotee, this dubstep DJ's talent for fusing rap hooks and bass beats with electronic music has earned him the rep as a creative renegade carving his own path.
With a style that captivates lovers of any music with a pulse, this Canadian-bred Los Angeles producer has emerged as a frontrunner in the new wave of EDM. Blending classic turntablism with cutting edge tech prowess, Geoff has been touring as Stylust since 2008. He has toured all over the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, and parts of Europe, appearing at major festivals, including Shambhala, Coachella, Outlook, LIB, Burning Man and Bass Center XI to name a few.

Uitgaansagenda Stylust

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 10 november 2023: EDC Orlando, Tinker Field, Orlando


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