6 juni 2018
NaamKirk Barley
Functie1 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Bambooman has been bubbling along on the electronic scene for a few years now with releases on Accidental, Sonic Router and his own Health imprint.

His live shows have seen him share stages with the likes of MF Doom, Madlib, Matthew Herbert, Jon Hopkins and Venetian Snares whilst he has collaborated on releases with UK rapper's Jehst, Kashmere and vocalist Segilola.

The start of 2017 will see the release of 2 new 12" from the young producer, The 1st a dance floor focused record for Matthew Herbert's Accidental records titled "Shudder" due out in Feb.

And the 2nd, a collaborative EP with legendary UK lyricist King Kashmere (Strange U) to be released march 3rd.

Following this, Bambooman will be releasing his debut album in August via Accidental.

Uitgaansagenda Bambooman

Laatste optreden was op woensdag 29 augustus 2018: Dimensions Festival, Fort Punta Christo, Pula


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