In Amerika
I'm taking no religion, no religion is taking me
Now there's only one thing and this one thing it sets me free
Listening to my music, be escaped to keep me sane
With an overload in bassline which goes straight to my brain
I push up on the volume 'till it's crystal clear and loud
My body starts to tingle just by listening to the sound
Nothing else can do the same it hits the spot so fast
Music is my first love it will always be my last!

Can't explain the freedom and the feeling from the bass
Something just comes over me which nothing can replace
You tune in and you close your eyes, I'm living in a dream
Hypnotised by something you've heard but never seen
The rhythm is a mystery the magic I can't tell
The beats, the bass, the melody just gets me in a spell
It's the love of live so come and go but one will never pass
Music is my first love it will always be my last!