Darren Deandre
8 oktober 2016
NaamDarren van der Waart
Functie78 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
partyflock Darren Deandre (26 dec 2018)


DJ, upcoming architect, promoter, and electronic music enthusiast: Darren van der Waart hails out of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. When not performing, he spends his time studying Architecture or vibing with his friends. Upbringing in a musically-influenced home he grew a fierce love for music. He was that kid who always had the latest tracks and would talk about them all day.

Having spent many years playing at all of the major local night clubs in and around Amsterdam and holding multiple residencies, Darren has had a lot of time to develop his skills. For him, it's all about the mood and just setting the right vibe. As a DJ he knows what he has to do. By playing the right tracks at the right time he get you tapping your feet and nodding your head without you realizing it, regardless of genre, tempo, style, or release date. Don't be surprised when you suddenly find yourself dancing.

Uitgaansagenda Darren Deandre

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 9 december 2022: Bust Down Party, Up, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
78·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (0.2785 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek