The Whooligan
29 juni 2020
NaamJulio Galvez
Functie20 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸


Julio Galvez is a music lover, world traveler, community organizer and music entrepreneur - known formally as "The Whooligan" - artist, DJ and producer with over 15 years of performance experience, as well as the director of worldwide bookings and partnerships for Los Angeles based music platform, Soulection. Julio is also the founder of newly formed humanitarian organization, Room Service International. Room Service aims to amplify stories and important issues from underprivileged and impoverished regions from all over the world. The seasoned artist, event curator and humanitarian brings a unique perspective to the music industry through passion, service, open-mindedness and inherent positivity. Since joining Soulection in the summer of 2013, Julio has executed and managed 20+ domestic and international tours, as well as countless one-off events, reaching 6 continents and over 100+ cities, for over 15+ artists...

Uitgaansagenda The Whooligan

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 21 oktober 2022: Housekeeping, Pacific Amsterdam, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
20·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (0.1732 stem)

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