13 april 2014
NaamTaylor Freels
Functie10 × DJ
AliasLiquid Earth
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸


With evocative and emotive productions showcasing a stripped back, classic feel, Urulu's sounds are a throwback to the lost generation of smoother groove-makers. Resident Advisor best describes him as someone with "an impressively complete grasp of what makes a classic house cut."

The LA based, but London-relocated Taylor Freels is well versed in finding a track's sweet spot. Urulu's dynamic arrangement instantly struck a chord with peers and fans alike with his sophomore EP "SINCERELY '91," on German heavyweight imprint Exploited Records. With subsequent releases on Dirt Crew 🇩🇪, Needwant 🇬🇧, as well as releasing on his tastemaker imprint Amadeus Records, Urulu utilizes a combination of cerebral, haunting vocal samples, all while infusing luscious deep chords and low-slung basslines. His forthcoming releases include the anticipated release on the forward-thinking label Manucci's Mistress and a second helping on Jacques Renault's Let's Play House 🇺🇸.

Uitgaansagenda Urulu

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 27 april 2024: Kingsday Festival, Colorado Charlie, Scheveningen


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