25 juli 2012
NaamSteven Tony Julien
Functie61 × DJ
AliasSteven Julien
Lid van groepFunkinevil
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresacid, disco, funk, house, techno


Steve Tony Julien, aka FunkinEven, is a London-based music producer whose rich appreciation, and masterful ear, for music has been cultivated throughout his life.
West Indian black, and Arawak Indian, in origin, Steve's initiation into music began at an early age. Exposed to the sounds of Reggae, Soul Boogie and House, thanks to his families eclectic musical tastes, Steve grew-up absorbing a diverse range of musical genres, elements of which are now notably influential in his own recordings.
Some might say Steve was genetically predisposed to music, hailing from a bloodline of musical innovators. With several of his cousins and uncles prominent figures in the Sound System Culture scene of the 80s and 90s, music was in Steve's make-up before he was even old enough to realise it.
His career began not as a musician but as a dancer...

Uitgaansagenda FunkinEven

Laatste optreden was op dinsdag 31 december 2019: Brighter Days × Doka Studio, Doka, Amsterdam


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