Art Department
25 januari 2024
NaamJonny White
Functie115 × DJ's, groep
HerkomstCanada 🇨🇦
Genresdisco, house, tech house


Canadian Jonny White, acting Head of No.19 Music, is now the lone force behind the influential project that began as a collaborative effort with long-time friend Kenny Glasgow in 2009. The prolific producer's original production style landed Art Department at the forefront of a major underground music movement, transcending genre barriers and forever altering the landscape of dance music.

Their game-changing contribution to electronic music has been undeniable, garnering accolades such as #1 track of the year at the Beatport Awards in 2011 and iTunes #2 "Best Electronic Album" of 2011. Notable mention in wide-spread press, including The Guardian, Rolling Stone, Billboard, Vogue, I:D, Nylon, and Vibe Magazine who ranked Art Department the #2 DJ/Producers in the world in 2013, second only to Daft Punk, firmly established Art Department as a rarity in the world of electronic music.

Uitgaansagenda Art Department

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 5 augustus 2023: Black Coffee, Hï Ibiza, Playa d'en Bossa


geen·in de toekomst
115·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (1.037 stemmen)

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2 opmerkingen

Koningen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The drawing board is ook een heerlijk album!!!!!!!!!!
verbaast me echt dat ze nog maar rond de 100 fans hebben op partyflock... Absolute helden, wil ze echt graag keertje live zien!