Julie Thompson
29 mei 2020
NaamJulie Donna Thompson
Functie3 × live act, zangeres
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreshouse, trance


The United Kingdom has established a reputation over the past decades to deliver stunning vocalists and singer/songwriters in all possible genres, and Julie Thompson is no exception to this unwritten rule. The ability to write and sing atmospheric lyrics and warm vocals seems to be the perfect antidote for the UK's cold, gloomy and rainy climate, as proven over the years especially in high profile dance releases.

Norwich born and bred Julie already knew she had music running through her veins at a young age. Upon reaching her 14th birthday, young Julie began singing, writing songs and playing the piano, and rapidly taught herself the art of singing and songwriting. To get a better shot at making a living from music, Julie moved to London to follow her dream of being a part of the exciting circus named 'the music industry'.

Uitgaansagenda Julie Thompson

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 13 april 2013: Trancefusion, Prumyslovy Palace, Praag


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