12 juni 2020
NaamJasper Broeks
Functie146 × DJ, 51 × live act, producer
AliassenJasper Broeks, Mainbrain
Lid van groepThe Sneiterheadz
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdarkcore, hardcore
partyflock chrono (18 jun 2022)


Chrono (also known as Jasper Broeks), born in Heiloo (Netherlands), is a well known hardcore artist since 2005. In 2005 Chrono released his first Vinyl., and after that, many productions followed. He worked together with several other hardcore & frenchcore artists, such as The Demon Dwarf, Dr. Peacock, Lano etc. and also he did some real rough stuff together with Evil Needle, as a group; The Sneiterheadz, they had crazy hard releases and played at many parties together.

Also Chrono create his own synths, and made some well known presets, for example: Sylenth vst. Because of his producing skills, he is now head of the Megarave Records label. Listening to demo's, giving feedback and supporting the new breed hardcore artists. Also he's doing a lot of mastering for other big artists.

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105 opmerkingen

Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 26925, 97427, 97428}
Buy @ Hardtunes.

Chrono & Rhose, Just Shoot Me keilekkere weg spacesound!
en Drummachine zeer te waarderen!
Eindelijk Chrono in me sets!
chrono mijn buurjongen 5 oktober kom ik er zekerss aan !!!!
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 41657, 159665, 75104, 21061}

ok dan robert, zie je daar!
Chrono :[

Elke dag weer,. geniet ik van zijn muziek,.
gaat geen dag zonder..

Chrono is de beste,.
en blijft de beste!!
Zonder enkele twijfel,.

veel respect voor hem,.
veel respect voor zijn muziek,.

Hardcore 4 Life (6)
:BIER: leuk!!!
die nieuwe ep :kwijl:

op twah maar even bezichtigen!
Als ID&T zo graag hun feest wil doorgeven aan de volgende generatie, waarom staat Chrono dan niet op die fucking line up van Thunderdome XX afgelopen zaterdag?
Chrono & man in zwart - Sterf (L) :respect:
Dikke tracks!
Chrono & the Demon Dwarf
Chrono & Imperium Bass
! ! ! ! !