NaamAika Mal
Functie5 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Aika Mal is a Northern Irish producer, singer/songwriter, multi instrumentalist and DJ. Based between Belfast and London and firmly placed in the underground dance world. She has played on lines up's alongside Fatboy Slim, Omar S and Fred Again and and venues such as Fabric, Koko, Ministry Of Sound and Renate (Berlin) as well as festivals including Field Day, Junction 2, ADE and Solid Grooves Festival. She also holds a monthly resident radio show on Foundation FM (a female focused radio station specialising in Dance Music), and has had guest shows on Rinse FM and has played on live stream platform Hör in Berlin.

After graduating from with a degree in music which marked the end of six years in full time music eduction. She gained a deeper knowledge of music production, theory and composition while also developing her skills as a singer, guitarist, bassist and pianist.

Uitgaansagenda Aika Mal

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 17 mei 2024: Shelter, Shelter, Amsterdam


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