
Save the Vinyl

Save the Vinyl
15 maart 2024
georganiseerd door

Graanfabriek (binnen) op de kaart Site
Helsinkistraat 6

Tickets & prijs Save the Vinyl

Voorverkoop:€ 22,17
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Line-up Save the Vinyl

Get ready for another unforgettable night celebrating the magic of vinyl with the finest selection of early hardcore, early terror, and more! 🎧 Join us as we honor the art of spinning vinyl records, surrounded by fellow enthusiasts and an electric atmosphere.

Back by popular demand, the event will feature a vibrant vinyl market where you can browse and purchase your favorite records. 🛍️ Plus, we're excited to announce an upgraded sound system to ensure an more immersive experience on the dance floor.

Last edition a key subwoofer experienced technical issues early in the night. Despite our best efforts, we understand it didn't quite meet the expectations for the powerful bass you all deserved. Rest assured, we are fully committed to delivering an more exceptional and thunderous sound experience for this edition of Save the Vinyl 🔥 To those who attended our previous events at the Graanfabriek, you already know what you are in for! 🙏
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