Mainstage Maffia
9 november 2017
NaamSipke Smeekes, Tim Smeekes, Laurens Wijers & Dennis Adam
Functie127 × DJ's, groep
Oud lid
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresearly hardcore, early rave, hardcore, oldschool


Mainstage Maffia,

These four gentlemen bring you a diverse journey through the Harder styles of House. With a combined DJ experience of over 100 years they know their stuff and always find a way to get the crowd moving by anticipating the flow of the evening.

When these gentlemen met for the first time somewhere in July 2011 none of them could suspect what was about to happen. It was not until 8 months later when they did a surprise set together during D-Energy in March 2012 that they understood the chemistry they had together.

Throughout the rest of 2012 they did several performances together. Then early in 2013 they were booked as a group together at Decade 1990-2000. It was then that they decided they needed a proper name. After some consideration it was decided they would call themselves Mainstage Maffia.

Uitgaansagenda Mainstage Maffia

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 6 april 2024: Fly High, Rockfabrik + EDEN, Übach-Palenberg

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1 waardering

Martijn van Langen
Broeders, de beste!!