Gary Black
13 juni 2023
NaamGary Oduro
Functie173 × MC
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱
Genreship hop, urban


Gary Black also know as Gary Oduro Is a 26 year old Master of Ceremonies born in Belgium. At a young age his parents moved to Amsterdam and that's where his adventure started.

Growing up in a time where you could find kids break dancing and having battles with each other for honor on the playgrounds Gary knew that music was 'the thing' he had to get himself involved with.

Going to the secondary school Gary met Norry(Norman Calmus) who later became his companion in starting up a music group called Woordvoerders, That was later enforced by Ruba and Toine. Together they produced Dutch rap music, performed it and vested themselves with video clips viewed over the 700.000 times.

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