Paul Oakenfold
29 april 2021
NaamPaul Mark Oakenfold
Functie114 × DJ, producer
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


When it comes to a career the magnitude of Paul Oakenfold it's hard to encompass one of the true legends of electronic music into just words. For over 3 decades he has elevated and shaped an entire genre and remains one of the leading forces in the global music scene today.

His most recent works have taken him from the DJ booth of the worlds hottest nightspots and festivals to the studio producing soundtracks for Hollywood blockbuster movies. His diversity in artistry and ability has earned him accolades from critics and fans alike. Garnering him not 1 but 2 Grammy Nominations for his works.

soundcloud Recente muziek

mixcloud Recente muziek

3 maart 2007
Foto's, Trance Energy, 3 maart 2007, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht
27 augustus 2005
Foto's, Mystery Land, 27 augustus 2005, Voormalig Floriadeterrein, Hoofddorp

3 waarderingen

Helemaal terug van weggeweest :D
beste tijd gehad...jammer...

11 opmerkingen

Voorprogramma van Madonna >> helemaal lekkerrrrr.Had langer mogen duren. Maar dat komt goed met Trance Energy :P
Leuk om is een keertje oakenfold mee te maken denk dat ik maar ie een keertje TE ga meemaken dan, veel mooie sets van hem gehoord, de beste vind ik een goa mix uit 94 ergens, echt een tijdloze set
trance energie was egt helemaal te gek..!!!!!!!! volgend jaar weer..
Beste DJ van de wereld in mijn mening. :respect:

Hoop hem spoedig nog eens ergens live bezig te zien. Helaas heeft hij zich bijna volledig op filmmuziek en dergelijke gestort.
één van de top 3 beste producers die ik ken.
Oaky Rocks!
laatste aanpassing
GODFATHER of trance music it's an honour to see you at ASOT 500!
Erg goede set op ASOT 500! :)

It's nearly a week after ASOT 500, and I still hear his set playing in my head. It makes little point to name the individual tracks that turned me on as every one was a gem in its own right. The whole set made me feel like I was surfing waves of sound and blasted me to a different dimension in an out of body experience. The same happened during the 2003 Thirst/Paradiso and 2005 Mysteryland happening. God it's just wonderful! and now I have three memories that sit in my head as dreams that will never fade away.
Uitspraak van Znarf op vrijdag 15 april 2011 om 00:42:
The whole set made me feel like I was surfing waves of sound and blasted me to a different dimension in an out of body experience. ................ . God it's just wonderful! and now I have three memories that sit in my head as dreams that will never fade away.

:respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :woop: :respect: :respect: :respect: :9 :respect: :respect: :respect:
Starry eyed surprise 8-)