David Löhlein
20 oktober 2017
NaamDavid Löhlein
Functie9 × DJ
Leeftijd27 – 28
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪


'Music as compass". If David Löhlein would have to label his life in one book title, this would be the answer. Born 1996 in a small city in Germany named Albstadt-Ebingen, he started to play the trumpet with 12 years. Other interests, and a wild youth stopped him playing the instrument only four years later. Yet, rhythm, sound and beats remained as continuous companions. With 17 he came in contact with Electronic music through his best friend, and the passion for music awaked as strongly as never before. Together, they started to organize electronic music events in Stuttgart. Since then, his live focuses entirely on techno – bringing his lifestyle, motivation, and career aspirations to flow in the 4/4 beat. Until now, until tomorrow, probably until the end of his life nothing will be changed on this heartbeat.

Uitgaansagenda David Löhlein

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 19 april 2024: Voxnox, RSO, Berlin


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9·in het verleden

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