
Fever Dream

Fever Dream
7 mei 2024
georganiseerd door Site

12,2 – 13,6 °C
RADION (binnen) op de kaart Site
Louwesweg 1a

Tickets & prijzen Fever Dream

Voorverkoop 1:€ 16,50→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 2:€ 21,50
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Fever Dream




Fever Dream & POING CLUB bring you; Cunty Business💋👔 in RADION Amsterdam
From the very beginning, our collaboration has been a journey of mutual growth, always pushing boundaries and embracing the wildest ideas. 🌬️💗 We're on cloud nine to take this collab to another city, also marking POING's first tour stop outside of Rotterdam! 🏁🚂
On June 7th, we'll be doubling up on everything hot💋 and cunty👅 spreading our magic dust across all of RADION. With a hard-hitting lineup of icons only keeping the vibes charged all night. 😳🤯
More info coming soon. We've released a limited number of early tickets for the community. Go get them now before they’re gone 💋
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