

· The Millennium Edition Facebook
15 maart 2024

Maassilo (binnen) op de kaart Site
Maashaven Zuidzijde 1 – 2

Tickets & prijzen Megarave

Early bird:€ 22,68→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 1:€ 27,70
Voorverkoop 2:€ 37,70
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Megarave

Megarave The Millennium Edition – During the first years of the new millennium Megarave was promoted all over the world with parties in countries like Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Italy. In Holland Megarave was pushing the sound of hardcore outdoor at the Peppermill indoor and outdoor.

Artists like Tommyknocker and labels like Enzyme had their first appearance at these parties. Dj Dione made a fantastic anthem for Megarave in 2003 called 'Gimme pain til I die' and Rotterdam Terror Corps launched 'Time to kill another one' in 2008. Hardcore from Italy was ruling the scene and quality was winning over quantity.

So to create a millinnium edtion of Megarave featuring the best of the recent past is, in our opinion, a great idea! By creating the 'No phone gabber zone' we also do not forget our roots.

Let's celebrate the end of the year 2024 with a bang at the Maassilo in Rotterdam!

1 opmerking

Wordt weer KNALLE! :jaja: