Massimo Mephisto
2 april 2020
NaamJens Grieten
Functie83 × DJ
Geboortedatum11 mei
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
partyflock Massimo Mephisto (23 jul 2009)


Massimo Mephisto is a Ghent based DJ. His main focus lies on dark Techno, exploring the drifty hypnotic beats, Massimo has his finger firmly on the pulse. His style has grown throughout the years but Techno music has never let him down and will become the key ingredient is most of his sets and studio work. Mixing up styles and moods, but always focused firmly on the dance floors' needs and desires. Massimo's sets have energy, precision and most of all heavy kicks and steady baselines.

Unafraid to journey off the well-worn path, he founded Kompass Klub together with Natalie Redee. Kompass Klub is a place where egos are left in the cloakroom and music brings people closer together. A unique musical experience that shows the intensity that is hidden in the meaning of the word RAVE. A night where all of these big words disappear and our bodies are drawn to the speakers.

Uitgaansagenda Massimo Mephisto

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 17 mei 2024: Extrema Outdoor, Binnenvaartstraat, Houthalen


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