The Shapeshifters
28 mei 2020
NaamSimon Marlin
Functie152 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Being able to maintain a successful 10-year long career in dance music is no mean feat. With trends changing and evolving at a rate of knots in the modern era there are many acts that have their 15-minutes of fame and disappear just as quickly, never to be heard of again.

The Shapeshifters (AKA Simon Marlin and his Swedish partner Max Reich) have not only managed to stay relevant throughout the course of their career, but they are on the cusp of some exciting new developments as they reach an impressive 10 years together as one of the UK's most successful ever dance acts. With standout hits including the timeless 'Lola's Theme', 'Back To Basics' and 'Incredible' and remixes for the likes of George Michael, Christina Aguilera, Moby and Natalie Imbruglia, among many others, the duo are stalwarts of British dance culture.

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2 waarderingen

Geweldige set op Tomorrowland! :D
speelden love land plat!