28 juli 2015
NaamRaquel Espanhol
Functie5 × DJ
HerkomstPortugal Portugal
Genresambient, psytrance
BoekingenSite /


Dj Ganeisha is Raquel Espanhol from Portugal. Music came quite soon in her life because her father was a dj and so she grew up surrounded by music.

Started working at a rock bar where she mainly mixed rock,metal,indie and 80s music, another kind of tunes that she loves.
Psychedelic Trance came into her life in 1998 when she went to her first party and in 2003 she tries her luck as a dj in a friends party. Since then the "mixing bug" stayed in her life.

Influenced mainly by psychedelic trance, night/twilight and also more morning/psygroove tunes,she likes to create her own style, not forgetting what every soul on the dance floor likes to hear. In her dj sets we can hear artists from labels such as Nexus Media, Global Army, Timecode, 3d vision, Fractal Rec, Nutek, Mechanik, United Beats, Nano Rec, Tip Rec, Mainstage among others.

Uitgaansagenda Ganeisha

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 21 juni 2019: Solstice Festival, Ruigoord, Amsterdam


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