29 maart 2023
NaamSolomon Rose
Functie14 × DJ
Leeftijd37 – 38
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdubstep, grime


Solomon Rose, more widely known as the London Grime turned Dubstep producer extraordinaire Silkie, is no new jack to the urban music scene. Around 1999 when Silkie was 13 years of age, he started listening to his sister's Garage collection, then going to underaged raves just as the scene was changing to Grime. At 15 he produced his first track called 'Dark Square' alongside Harry Craze. At the time Heny G (Rinse FM) released the single even though Silkie was not old enough to even get into the raves that his track was been played in. As he had just turned 18 he was dropped onto the stage of the Kentish Town Forum to support none other than Hip hop stalwarts Mobb Deep. At that time he was producing beats as well as DJing for his brother Silva's Grime crew Unorthodox. Some of the biggest tracks from this crew such as 'No-Help or Hand-Outs' was on heavy rotation on the likes of Channel U and pirate radio gathering them an instant following...

Uitgaansagenda Silkie

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 27 juli 2023: Outlook Origins, The Garden Resort, Tisno


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