29 maart 2018
NaamJohann Keen
Functie16 × MC
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
GenresUK hardcore
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Static's legacy is one of legend. Fast approaching his eleventh year in the business of hosting stages and maintaining crowd responses and engaging in noteworthy connections from World Class DJ's to World Class crowds, Static's journey as an MC from bedroom to big room in that decade has been one of hard work, long hours, many studio sessions and even more stages … and he would not change a second of it.
From humble beginnings writing rhymes and honing his craft on parties, bars, clubs, raves and anywhere else he could test his abilities, learn and raise his game, this would be a course of action that would pay off greatly as in the October of 2007, recognised and respected industry titans 'Hardcore Heaven' saw fit to award him with the much sought after and hard earned 'Best Breakthrough Award'...

Uitgaansagenda Static

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 7 april 2018: Religion, Old Fire Station, Bournemouth


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15·in het verleden