17 augustus 2018
NaamMarco Leupold
Functie10 × DJ
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresfrenchcore, hardcore, terror, uptempo hardcore
IdentificatieTerror Machine Records


Marco Leupold alias DJ Zion, started his DJ career at the age of 16 and launched his first promo podcast on CD. At the age of 18 he celebrated this debut at the famous hardstyle and techno venue "Babylon".

Zion then quickly got in touch with UGM, an underground hardcore label with young talented hardcore DJs from Munich and the region, which was his first stepping stone for several club gigs in and around Munich and Austria.

Due to his strong growth and dedication, the famous NOX Club Munich awarded him with engaging him as resident DJ in 2006, which made him known across the German boarders.

Very soon Zion started to develop his own sounds by unveiling a nature talent for the production of music. His diversity covered all genres from Hardstyle to Hardcore. In 2016 he got totally infected with the Hardcore and his production skills enabled him quickly to characterize his own sounds. Already in 2017 he became member of the well known music label TerrorMachineRecords.

Uitgaansagenda Zion

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 3 mei 2024: Outcast invites FrenchKickz Recoreds, WillemEen, Arnhem


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